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Worst places to live in the United States

Whether you live in the United States and you are thinking about moving to a different city in the country...

W hether you live in the United States and you are thinking about moving to a different city in the country or you have recently decided you want to start from zero and move to the US, make sure you avoid picking one of the following cities to start a new life because they are the worst places to live in:

1. Camden, New Jersey

With a population of about 77,000 people, this city is known for its urban decay and high political corruption. Also, almost half of its population have very low incomes and the index of unemployment is one of the highest in the country.

2. Detroit, Michigan

Despite the fact that there are many important companies in the city, the unemployment rate is still pretty high which has led to almost a quarter of its population to move elsewhere since the new millennium started.

3. Cleveland, Ohio

The economy in this city is very unstable and studies have revealed that over a quarter of the population of Cleveland live below the poverty line. Also, corruption is a big problem there and the weather in winter is among the harshest in the whole country.

4. New Haven, Connecticut

Although one of the most prestigious schools in the United States, Yale University, can be found in New Haven, it must be said that the surrounding areas are known for the large index of crimes that can be found there. Also, the average income in the city is very low compared to most of the rest of the country making it one of the worst places to live in the United States.

5. Memphis, Tennessee

This city was voted as the dirtiest city in the United States by Travel & Leisure magazine both in 2011 and 2012 and it has one of the highest violent crime rates in the country. In fact, one in every twelve people risk being a victim of crime. Now that you know which are the worst places to live in the United States, make sure you stay away from them and pick one of the hundred cities where you will be able to live a happy life. [Photo:]