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Wireless phones, a potentially dangerous weapon in the house

Wireless phones too over from home phones with cords as the quintessential home device that offers both a practical solution...

W ireless phones too over from home phones with cords as the quintessential home device that offers both a practical solution to the household needs, as well as the convenience of being able to move around the house while on the line with it. Although there are still many homes across the country with the chord firmly attached to the phone, the wireless phones certainly prove their usefulness when one can escape to any room in the house to make a call.   Yet, there’s one more use that a wireless phone has in the household, and that’s converting into a weapon during a heated argument or dispute. Domestic disagreements are a daily reality that most households must contend with. But there are a number of occasions where a domestic disagreement can turn violent, and while ones first instinct may not be to grab a weapon that will inflict serious damage; one may find themselves easily reaching for any object that is not attached to something. The wireless phone is accessible enough and definitely detached for it to be the object that gets hurled across the room during a heated exchange.   Of course no one buys a wireless phone with this in mind, but it’s also true that nobody ever sets out to throw objects at someone when a disagreement ensues. Nonetheless, that sometimes is the result and a wireless phone is just one more object in the home that can be used as a weapon.