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Wireless internet better than cable internet

Cable internet may be a far cheaper option for home internet users but the significant drawback makes it far less...

C able internet may be a far cheaper option for home internet users but the significant drawback makes it far less appealing, and popular for that matter, than its counterpart the wireless option.   Granted, price is one of the major factors people consider when purchasing most goods and services, and the choice of internet access is no different. But perhaps equally, if not more important than price, is the speed of the internet network. Technology is the epitome of improvement and advancement, and at the centre of that advancement are improving elements that will make the experience of technology more and more expedient. Thus internet speed becomes an important factor for internet access, and indeed internet speeds are but a shadow of their former selves with wireless options now capable of speeds of up to 600MB/s.   However the faster the speed the more expensive the router and most are unable to afford the most expensive routers which support internet speeds of 600MB/s. So while cable internet may not be the fastest internet connection available, it certainly is easy on the pocket. So one would need to choose which option is most feasible, the internet speed or the cost of being connected.