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Will you need a driving licence in the age of self-driving cars?

Will you need a driving licence in the age of self-driving cars? This has been a question for debate and...

W ill you need a driving licence in the age of self-driving cars? This has been a question for debate and the article aims at answering the question. In the modern world, there have been advancements in technology made in various fields which have made life easier for man. Most of the manual work previously done by humankind has been technologically improved. This has also not left the motor industry. Smart cars are set to enter the market sometime in the near future. So, Will you need a driving licence in the age of self-driving cars? This is actually a legitimate question that lawmakers will debate about when the reality of the world will change and not all vehicles have humans behind the wheel. The driving revolution will come with a lot of changes to traffic laws and vehicle safety regulations. Majority of road accidents are caused by human error which is why self-driving cars have been introduced. With a computerized system that relies on GPS and sensors driving actually becomes more efficient and safer. Vehicles can zip along at high speeds while still in close proximity without any crashes happening. The self-driving cars have a system in place since you do not expect them to jet past an intersection mindlessly. Will you need a driving licence in the age of self-driving cars? The answer to that is absolutely not because you are not the driver of the car. You are just a passenger in your car and you also get to your preferred destinations with minimal hassle.