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Why is Neck Fusion Procedure required?

Neck pain is a personal experience that requires personalized assessment, treatment and diagnosis to get to root cause of the...

N eck pain is a personal experience that requires personalized assessment, treatment and diagnosis to get to root cause of the problem. In severe instances, where the neck pains a lot, one can be recommended to undergo neck fusion procedure. In cases where a patient experiences a chronic neck pain, a surgery or multidisciplinary diagnosis is needed. It is wise to understand that neck pain can occur to anybody at anytime. There are many reasons a person may have paining neck. Necks supports people’s head, where a head can be heavier as it can be more than 15 pounds. This weight be carried day in day out at times may pressure the neck to have stress on both the spine and the neck. People sitting while tilting their heads for a long time can experience pain in their necks. In addition, sleeping on the wrong way as well as bending, twisting and lifting things may cause strain on your body and lead to neck pain. However, if the pain becomes severe and uncontrollable, a neck fusion procedure can be the only solution to your health. Degenerative Disc illnesses which are common among senior people are another cause of pain on necks. Therefore, aging is a catalyst for pain on poor joint as person grows old he becomes prone to diseases such as spinal stenosis and osteoarthritis. Another common cause of paining neck is the trauma like whiplash that occurs when people are involved in an accident. Though the kind of pain experienced from aching neck is different for different individuals every person is susceptible of suffering from neck pain. Some victim will only experience pain in their necks when they tilt their heads, while others when they turn their heads to a certain direction. To some people, pain may last for hours while others experience pain for a certain period. If the pain in your neck persist, it is advisable to seek medical advice from professional and experienced physicians. Some of the most common treatment for neck pains is physical interventions and medications. One may take pain killers like muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory or acetominiphine. On the other hand, a victim can decide to try massage therapy, physical exercise, acupuncture treatment, physiotherapy, heat treatment and other physical treatment recommended by your doctor. But in situation where the physical and simple medication fails to put away the pain in your neck, a surgery may be the only remedy. A neck pain victim may undergo discetomy. This is a medical method of extracting the whole or part of the infected disc on your neck. A surgeon too can prescribe fusion method. Neck fusion procedure aids completely discarding away pain by restoring spinal column firmness. [Photo:]