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What to Include or Exclude in a Colitis Diet Menu

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowl condition. It causes soreness along the large intestines and rectum lining. Sometimes ulcerative colitis...

U lcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowl condition. It causes soreness along the large intestines and rectum lining. Sometimes ulcerative colitis causes bloating, diarrhea and pain. It can be caused by some foods that cause irritation whenever one eats, as such colitis diet menu should be observed.

Suitable colitis diet menu

Some medications and stress play a role as a cause agent. It is always good to check on what one is eating. If you are suffering from ulcerative colitis, it is wise to check with your doctor or nutritionist and come up with a suitable colitis diet menu that will help in preventing worsening of the condition. Below is a look at some of the colitis favorable diet menu. Low fiber diet requires easy digestion, as such, a favorable colitis diet menu. The diet reduces diarrhea rate and slows down bowl movements. The important thing is to keep the fiber low not to cause any stomach irritation. The following are the foods that should be included in colitis diet menu: Proteins and meats that is soft and tender. Preferred proteins include red meat, white meat, and eggs.

Dairy is Vital

Dairy products such as cottage cheese, milk, and yogurt are also vital. Refined grains like pasta, dry cereals, white bread and crackers are also vital and favorable; however, there should not be more than half a gram of fiber per serving in the grains. Fruits and well-cooked vegetables are also favorable and should feature in a colitis diet menu. There are always two sides to a coin, in this case, there are those foods that individuals with colitis should avoid in their menu, and they include staffs such as Spicy foods, at all cost avoid the use of spice as they increase stomach irritation. Tea and coffee contain caffeine, an element that accelerates pain and bloating. Any alcoholic beverage is the other thing to avoid in the colitis diet menu. [Photo: flickr]