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What is Gadfly Citihub?

Gadfly Citihub is an application that helps people reach out to their elected officials. Using the application, citizens or residents...

G adfly Citihub is an application that helps people reach out to their elected officials. Using the application, citizens or residents of a certain area can access all the information available publicly about a leader or about their area of residence. The app also enables people to receive feedback from their leaders on various issues that are important to them. The information available is exhaustive and is constantly updated to make sure it is accurate and up to date. The app is available in India, the USA and Canada. For the USA, it is likely to play an important role in all the elections and decisions that relate to governance since the majority of the people here have access to smartphones and to the internet. In India, this may not be as easy since access to the internet is limited. However, the app hopes to solve this by partnering with major internet service providers.