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What Is Fortnite?

Fortnite is a game, more precisely an apocalyptic survival video game. It was developed by Epic Games together with People...

F ortnite is a game, more precisely an apocalyptic survival video game. It was developed by Epic Games together with People Can Fly, and as well, produced by Epic Games. Originally released in 2017, the game's setting is on contemporary Earth, where an apocalyptic worldwide storms cleans 98% of the population with the remaining people finding themselves under the attack of zombie like creatures. The survivors have to find defensive ways, with these including constructing storm shields, collecting resources, building fortifications, as well as making weapons and traps to beat the invading creatures. The game includes four players who each embark on a certain mission assigned to achieve the aforementioned defensive mechanisms. Once a player completes a mission, they gain rewards that accordingly upgrade their hero status'/character, support their teams(base) and also gain weapons and traps needed to partake other difficult missions. The duty of a player, who also is a commander, is to be able to brave going out of the storm shield to find resources and help needed for his base to expand the shield and return the earth to normalcy.