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What Causes Myeloma? Origins, risk factors and diagnosis

It happens suddenly that cells of the immune system, a type of white blood cells that originate in the bone...

I t happens suddenly that cells of the immune system, a type of white blood cells that originate in the bone marrow, become cancerous and accumulate throughout the body. Itsn't clear yet exactly what the causes of myeloma, it's rather certain that myeloma prevents the bone marrow producing healthy cells, in sufficient number and severely weakens the bones and the immune system. The exact causes of myeloma are unknown and the symptoms often do not show up in the initial stage of the disease, making it a very difficult early diagnosis.

Factors that might cause myeloma

Some factors may be linked to a greater risk of developing myeloma: - the risk is lower for people under the age of 40 years; - the risk is slightly higher for men than women; - myeloma is more common in people of color, twice that of whites; - a condition called monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS); - obesity; - exposure to radiation and to substances present in the processing of the petroleum industry. However, it should be stressed that the risk factors identified are certainly not responsible for the disease. Myeloma, also seems to be hereditary.

Symptoms of myeloma

The symptoms of myeloma include abnormal bleeding, bone pain, back pain, bone fractures (most commonly in the spine, in hips and skull), low blood counts that cause weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, high amounts of protein in the blood. For myeloma there is no cure, but many effective treatments can prolong survival and greatly improve the quality of life. Treatments for myeloma include chemotherapy and corticosteroids to eliminate cancer cells, therapies to block the growth of cancer cells, bisphosphonates to reduce the fractures, radiation therapy to relieve bone pain, a bone marrow transplant or stem cell to replace the diseased cells. Research continues intensively to find an effective cure and for to determine with greater certainty what causes myeloma. [photo:]