2 min read
What are Angel Numbers?
Angel numbers have been defined as the sequences of numbers we keep seeing at many turns in our daily lives....
ngel numbers have been defined as the sequences of numbers we keep seeing at many turns in our daily lives. These numbers are said to carry divine guidance as they refer to specific numerological meanings and they come from our guardian angels.
It has been said that our guardian angels communicate to us in various ways, and one of these is by the use of specific numbers. Numbers, according to numerology, carry specific and unique vibrational meanings that are beyond quantity. Based on this understanding, our guardian angels, who are celestial beings in a realm higher than ours, send us numbers repeatedly to get our attention. Once we notice the unusual occurrence of these numbers, we seek to find out why they keep appearing as well as what they mean.
One common example of angel numbers is the sequence 111 or 1111. Many people reveal that they keep seeing these sequences on the clock many times when they check the time. When this happens, these numbers are said to hold special messages that coincide with our current situations and serious follow up would help improve our lives. To interpret these meanings, one should seek to find the meanings of angel numbers. Visit www.thesecretofthetarot.com to find a comprehensive guide to help you understand the vibrational meaning of various numbers.