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Ways To Get The Cheapest Car Insurance

All drivers require a car coverage; unfortunately, a very few drivers know how to get the best and cheapest car...

A ll drivers require a car coverage; unfortunately, a very few drivers know how to get the best and cheapest car insurance. Choosing an affordable vehicle cover can be a daunting process since every region has numerous auto insurance companies both local national insurers. Each insurer offers various policy options making it more challenging to figure out the cheapest auto plan. Today, companies have gone as far as increasing premiums based on factors such as age, job, where you pack your car as well as your postcode. Below are ways to get the best and cheapest automobile cover.

1. Don’t assume a single company is the cheapest.

It is widely known that a majority of businesses spend a lot of money on advertising, trying to make you believe that they offer the best coverage at the lowest rate possible. However, the reality is that the cost of auto policy varies from one company to another. You can reduce your coverage expenses by shopping around. Be careful, though. Make sure that the policies you compare have the same cover. There are several online auto insurance comparison services that do all the tough work for you.

2. Cut your extras and increase your voluntary excess.

Few drivers know exactly what is included in their policy quotes. It is imperative to not only know but fully understand everything in an coverage policy. Does the plan include breakdown cover? A courtesy vehicle or driving abroad cover? These are extras and every extra added in your policy increases the premium. On the other hand, agreeing to increase your voluntary excess brings down premiums. Even though your excess can be recovered if you are not at fault in an accident, allowing your excess to rise too high when you have a low-value automobile is not a clever combination.

3. Check for usage-based plans and discounts.

Discounts are critical when it comes to getting the cheapest car insurance. Auto insurers provide various discounts such as price reduction for customers who insure multiple vehicles under one policy, have a clean record, own certain types of automobile have implemented anti-theft or other safety features. Also, some companies offer mileage-based plans. Therefore, if you have an impeccable driving record and log few miles, choose a usage-based policy.

4. Consider local or regional insurers.

Despite the fact that there are many auto insurance companies, only a very few of these companies cover the entire nation. Many people often assume that large enterprises have the best and cheapest policies. But, this is not always the case. In fact, surveys indicate that local and regional companies provide better services and have higher customer satisfaction ratings as compared to the big companies. The cheapest car insurance does not necessarily mean lower premiums but also puts customer satisfaction into account. [Photo: flickr]