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Understanding Internet Speed Test

Mbps is a term common in communication and data circles. An mbps indicates a million bits data transfer every second....

M bps is a term common in communication and data circles. An mbps indicates a million bits data transfer every second. It is possible for data to be transferred at even faster speeds. The faster internet speeds are indicated by gigabits measures. Running an internet speed test is necessary if you want to know the throughput you are able to get from your connectivity. However, it happens that different results are yielded when the test is run. This is something that puzzles many people. The reasons behind this inconsistency is because your throughput availability may be affected by network congestion or various downloads that may be in progress. What about broadband connection? Some users assumed that using broadband connection should not affect the speed of your internet. However, the truth is that internet speed tests are affected by any internet congestion. This congestion comes from the interaction between you and the servers. This is the reason why downloads in progress will also affect the speed test results. The other question on internet speed would be telling how fast the internet connection is. This needs you to do a little bit of calculation. Start by calculating the time it takes to download a specific set of data. The number of mbps indicated from your download speed shows what your connection allows to travel from a specific website to your own network. The download speed is what your ISP uses to differentiate its plans. Upload speed is another measure of internet speed. The mbps generated here shows what your connection allows to send from your computer to a different website. It is important to have a good upload internet speed because of the constant internet interactions. Make sure that the upload speed is closer to the download speed. This means that you need to look at certain things when testing your internet speed. Make sure that your home network operates properly. In case of any problems, contact a tech specialist. Clean the computer in case of slowness. Furthermore, updating your service internet plan will help generate viable results. This goes to show that internet speed tests are important.