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TV internet bundles make it easier for people to stay disconnected

TV internet bundles are a lifesaver for many who either don’t want the option of signing a contract that locks...

T V internet bundles are a lifesaver for many who either don’t want the option of signing a contract that locks you into a repayment plan that you can’t get out of until after you’ve stopped caring that you even have a contract. However with better connectivity technologically, the more disconnected people seem to be.   It was always believed that the advent of technology would herald the age of better human connectivity, especially because the internet was deemed to be the ‘global village’. For a time this fantasy seemed real as more and more people converged on the world wide web to contribute and share diverging ideas, opinion and knowledge. Enter social media, the game changer that took us from global village to individual silo where we communicate with our immediate circle of friends and followers. All of a sudden the connectedness that was experienced when the internet flood gates opened has turned into disconnectedness and social media has a lot to do with it.   Cheap TV internet bundles add to this disconnectedness since people welcome the chance to stay on social media at any cost, especially at a low cost; which is exactly what TV and internet bundles allow people to do.