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TV internet bundles good for personal relations

TV internet bundles are best for their cost saving feature, but they are detrimental to personal relation since cheaper bundles...

T V internet bundles are best for their cost saving feature, but they are detrimental to personal relation since cheaper bundles mean people can spend as much time as they can on the internet. And with social media already taking up so much attention from interpersonal relations as it is, this will only serve to further alienate interpersonal relations between people in the same room.   Social media has all but taken over social engagements, especially amongst the younger generation. It’s not untypical to see people with their noses stuck to their phones, furiously typing away at people on the other side of Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. And it’s these very people who are the ideal target for internet bundles since young people primarily consider the cost involved for their leisurely activities. And since social media is such a leading concern for them internet bundles allows them their leisure activity at a price that they can afford.   While the onus for building and maintaining healthy interpersonal relations is on every individual, TV internet bundles certainly contribute to an already dire situation. The easier the ability for access to internet is, the more engaged with the internet people will be, and bundles certainly give people plenty of that.