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TV internet bundles foster selective viewing

TV internet bundles allow only for limited amount of viewing whether it is on the television or over the internet....

T V internet bundles allow only for limited amount of viewing whether it is on the television or over the internet. Given that every bundle counts, gone are the days of frivolously downloading material over the internet just because you can, or having a bevy of television programs from which to choose, for everything you select will cost you in bundles which equals to cold hard cash spent.   Sure, people have the prerogative to indulge in as many television programs as they wish, and even browse and download from the internet to their heart’s content. However, this kind of unmonitored viewing is fast taking a back seat to a more discerning viewing experience wherein purchasers of TV internet bundles allows one only so much viewing allowance. This then compels viewers to be very specific about their viewing choice thus disregarding the programs on television they don’t watch and web pages they don’t need anything from.   This kind of selective participation in ones viewing pleasure can even influence a general discerning quality in other areas of one’s life, filtering the clutter from the stuff that actually matters. And once people can focus on only what they need to without wasting time and energy on the other fluff, then who knows what this may mean for the collective benefit of man.