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Truck tires should be made from more durable rubber

Truck tires, like every other part of the body of a truck need to be made from material that is...

T ruck tires, like every other part of the body of a truck need to be made from material that is far more durable than the current standard. While there are restrictive circumstances which dictate the type of material that truck manufacturers can use, the onus would fall on tire manufacturers to ensure that the rubber material that they use to manufacture tires, is particularly more durable for trucks.   Given their sheer size, when trucks are involved in a road accident the damage more often than not is far more extensive than compared to a road accident involving smaller cars. And there is evidence to suggest that worn out car tires are often identified as the culprit in road accidents where the truck veered off the road. Even in instances when the tires are not the culprit, as is the case with truck drivers who are fatigued and temporarily fall asleep behind the wheel. In those instances the cause of the road accident may be the driver, but having worn out tires or tires that are not durable can add to an already bad situation.   Sure, truck owners have the already available option of replacing non-durable or worn out tires, but it is sometimes the case that only when a road accident occurs that the condition of the truck tires is revealed, so better safe than sorry.