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Top Vacation Destinations in Asia

Asia is a huge and amazing place. There are tons of destinations to visit, tons of attractions to see and...

A sia is a huge and amazing place. There are tons of destinations to visit, tons of attractions to see and much more. If you want to visit Asia, but aren’t sure where, here are some of the top destinations in Asia for you to visit.

Chiang Mai – Thailand

Chiang Mai, Thailand, is one of the best-known travel destinations in Asia. It is full of life, a great place to visit and a place you won’t forget. Many people visit Chiang Mai and end up staying longer than originally planned. Some of the main reasons for this is the very reasonable living costs, cheap but amazing food and more.

Beijing – China

A lot of people avoid Beijing due to it being crowded and very hectic. However, those who do brave it, love it and some have even moved their or returned time after time. If you love a bargain and haggling for some cool items, the streets and markets will be your dream. Not only that, but there are some beautiful sites such as the Forbidden City.

Malaysian Borneo

Shared between Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei, Borneo is the third largest island in the world. Want to experience paradise, then get on a plane and visit Borneo! Experience the stunning rainforests, see a ton of wildlife including endangered orangutans and more. Asia is an amazing place. It is jam packed with some of the best vacation destinations in the world and we can see why. There is something for everyone, whether you like relaxing, shopping, haggling with in markets, Asia has it.