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This is why a web traffic limit is a good thing!

Web traffic limits can be annoying, no doubt about it, but it depends how you look at it. Transparent web...

W eb traffic limits can be annoying, no doubt about it, but it depends how you look at it. Transparent web hosting providers offer clear ideas on their offering and while they may have web traffic limits this can still be better than unscrupulous low-cost providers that promise "unlimited traffic." These are some transparent web hosting providers: is popular due to their exceptionally high speeds. They use SD storage, which is hundreds of times faster than spinning discs. offers web hosting services with a range of SSL certificates, SSD-powered storage and WHM and C-panel hosting. They offer good prices, do backups every night, have a quick and easy set up and reply fast to queries. The web hosting is Linux and cloud-based. Their packages include shared 1G for personal websites for only $5 per year, shared 5G for just $10 per year and shared 20G for $15 per year. is another hosting provider offering great performance. All their packages use virtual private servers. Advantages of subscribing to them include automatic nightly backups, high-performance Intel hardware, versatile file systems, high-performance Intel hardware and SSD storage. They have affordable pricing and full tunnel and VPN support. Packages include; OpenVZ 128 at $ 15 per year, OpenVZ 256 at $3.50 per month, OpenVZ 512 at $5.95 per month and Open VZ 1024 at $12.95 per month. takes hosting a notch higher through its virtual hosting servers to host big websites and large projects. The website allows you to chose between Virtualized VPS (XEN) and para-virtualized OpenVS. Their packages include no set up fees, full SSH root access, different Linux operating systems and more. Going with these transparent web hosting services will ensure that you get excellent and reliable service. Don't forget, a web traffic limit can be a good thing, especially if you're just starting out.