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The Top Three Spring Break Destinations

Picking where to go on spring break can be surprisingly hard, but these three places offer the best party experiences...

P icking where to go on spring break can be surprisingly hard, but these three places offer the best party experiences that you will ever have. Spain Known for some of the most interesting beaches in the world, Spain is a popular area for students from around the world to visit and relax in during spring break. Good food, cheap accommodations, and an atmosphere that encourages partying late into the night make this country a must visit during your school years. The Caribbean From laying on an island in the sun to playing with swimming pigs, the Caribbean has everything that you could ever want to do and more. Cheap hotels, group tours that include access to bars and clubs, and great weather make this the best place to enjoy yourself in the sun over break. Mexico Mexico has a number of beaches and resorts that cater to students and ensure that the party never stops. The warm waters, good weather, and cheap prices make it popular with students on a budget. Beaches in Mexico tend to be more crowded than other areas, but if you want to party with lots of friends, you will fit right in.