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The principal features of car batteries

Car batteries are very important for drivers, as they are a kind of rechargeable battery that supplies electric energy to...

C ar batteries are very important for drivers, as they are a kind of rechargeable battery that supplies electric energy to a vehicle. Car batteries are responsible for starting, lighting and ignition, so it's important that car batteries are always charged, or the driver risks not to be able to use his vehicle. Normally car batteries are lead-acid type, made up of plates of lead and other plates of lead dioxide, both submerged into an electrolyte solution. The contact between the lead and this solution produces a chemical reaction that generates electricity that empowers the engine of the car. There are different types of car batteries, that distinguish for the different techniques of construction. • Flooded cell type that are the cheaper and long-lasting car batteries, but require more maintenance, in addition, they can leak or spill • Sealed batteries regulated by lead acid. Normally this kind of battery is not suitable for old vehicles that don't have good charging control systems • The shallow cycle type can give a great power for a short time (the time requested to start the engine) • The deep cycle type, unlike the previous one, is able to provide power for a long period of time It's very important to know the use and maintenance of car batteries. First of all you have to check the fluid level and remember to fill the car battery with distilled or demineralized water instead of the normal water that could damage the engine. In order to ensure a longer lasting of car batteries, it's better to store them in a charged state. The best way to store car batteries is keep them in a cool and dry environment to prevent the plate corrosion. When it's necessary to change car batteries, normally the best thing to do is to disconnect the negative ground connection, in order to prevent possible short-circuits. When changing the battery, the positive cable is connected first.