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The most helpful tips for driving Route 66 in total safety

There are millions of people out there who share the same dream: driving Route 66. If you are one of...

T here are millions of people out there who share the same dream: driving Route 66. If you are one of them, all you need to make it come true is read this article to know about the most important tips.

1. Follow the directions

Route 66 is so popular you couldn't get lost while driving it even if you tried to. Most states have big signs on their roads which will help you find your way and, of course, every petrol station on the way sells maps which will help you even further.

2. Keep in mind you will have to refill

Although finding petrol stations along Route 66 is not hard, there are certain areas where coming across one won't be as easy. Particularly in the state of Arizona, you might not be able to find one for at least 100 miles, which means you will have to be careful and pay attention to have much petrol you have left at all times.

3. Don't aim too high when it comes to how many miles to do every day

When you finally get to Route 66, you will be so excited to do it all that you most probably will want to drive for hours on end. However, it is important you remember to rest as much as possible which is why it is recommended you do about 300 miles a day. [Photo:]