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The end of wireless phones will signal the end of an era

It’s hard to believe that wireless phones have been around since the early eighties, but it is indeed a fact...

I t’s hard to believe that wireless phones have been around since the early eighties, but it is indeed a fact that this technological marvel of its time has stayed with us for more than 3 decades. Many technological inventions came and went in those 3 decades, but the wireless phone stood the test of time as the must have middleclass home device.   But all things must come to an end, or at least evolve to keep up with the ever changing needs of the environment as it were. The needs of the environment have moved to a home phone that allows for freedom of movement and convenience, to phones that one can use both inside and outside the home. Enter the mobile phone. Yet even with the ubiquity of the mobile phone many still cling to wireless home phones thus keeping the device ‘alive ‘ well past its sell by date. And when that day finally comes, it will surely be the end of an era; one that has dragged on well into the era of new and more relevant technological eras.   While the wireless phones may very well still find some use in a number of homes, in so far as their relevance post the era of mobile phones, they have very little place there.