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The Craziest Festivals In The World

Festivals are about a group of people gathering to celebrate their common interests. In this article, we'll take you to...

F estivals are about a group of people gathering to celebrate their common interests. In this article, we'll take you to the most bizarre festivals around the world. Finland Wife Carrying World Championships In Finland, they combine old-fashioned chivalry with sport, as men compete to see who can carry their wife the furthest. The 253.5-metre long course sets obstacles such an icy pool. The rule in this competition is “All the participants must have fun”. Let's hope no wives are dropped along the way. Thailand Monkey Buffet Every year Thailand lays out a feast for their mischievous monkeys. Every November 4000kg of fruit is supplied for the monkeys to devour. Monkey costumes, dancing, and music are all part of the event which takes place in 10th Century temples. Baby Jumping In Spain Many would be shocked to learn that the Spanish enjoy jumping over babies lying on blankets. It takes place every year in Castillo De Murcia. As far as we know no babies have been injured in the process. Let's hope it stays that way. World Bog Snorkelling Championships People from all over the world travel to Wales to make their way through a murky bog. Equipped with snorkels and fins, they battle their way through the filthy 120-yard course. These festivals are just a glimpse of the weird and wonderful events happening all over the world. Whatever your interest, it's a safe bet there's something out there for you.