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The best websites to find jobs

Have you lost your job? Are you tired of your current one and you want to change it for a...

H ave you lost your job? Are you tired of your current one and you want to change it for a better one? Maybe you are simply looking for your first job? Whatever the reason, the Internet is going to be your best ally. There are literally hundreds of websites filled with different jobs where finding your ideal one won't take too long. And to make it easier for you, we have compiled a list of some of the best job websites out there. Check them out: 1. Indeed: The most popular website is, where you can find listings from various websites meaning the amount of job offers is seriously impressive. You will also find discussion forums and very helpful tips on how to look for a job online. 2. Career Builder: This website has partnered with many newspapers to increase the listings you can find on it which means you will find a very good amount of jobs if you visit 3. Dice: Are you a tech? If the answer is yes, the best website to find jobs related to your profession is You will have to register in order to upload your resume but it's totally worth it. 4. LinkedIn: This website is known as the social media network of jobs because you can add contacts and fill your profile with personal information about where you have worked. But apart from finding many jobs, you will be able to contact employers and follow their pages so they can find out about you. To get started simply visit and start creating your profile. 5. Monster: This is one of the first websites that were created for those looking for jobs online and they have given millions of people the chance to find one. All you have to do is visit, upload your resume and apply to the offers you are interested in. [Photo:]