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The Best Time to Plan For Thanksgiving Is Now!

Thanksgiving will be on the 24th of November this year and if you want to travel to be with your...

T hanksgiving will be on the 24th of November this year and if you want to travel to be with your loved ones, then you need to book your flights early and make travel arrangements on time. There are a lot of people who travel during this period to be with family, friends and loved ones and because airlines know this, they often raise their fares, making it very expensive to travel. Therefore you should start making your travel arrangements right now. It may seem too early but remember, the early bird catches the worm. Early booking will save you plenty of money. You need to choose the days you travel wisely and avoid the dates most people choose to travel like the weekend since it will probably be more expensive and airports get messy. It's always a good idea to speak to your favorite airline or a travel agency about the best travel dates. The difference a single day can make in your traveling costs is amazing. For instance, on the right date a return flight could cost as little as $249, but if you pick the wrong ones it can reach $649. [Photo:]