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Tesla Model X, Electric Prtotype with a Difference

Far from the hyped and exaggerated reviews, Tesla Model X is a truly sleek, seductive, very fast and very nice...

F ar from the hyped and exaggerated reviews, Tesla Model X is a truly sleek, seductive, very fast and very nice luxury car your money can get you. Being a prototype of its predecessor model S, Model X is yet another Tesla Motor's innovation. Perfect for family use, this model promises more family friendliness and versatility compared to the one before it. With double the size and capacity of all the current Tesla models, it is sure going to win more hearts when it is finally launched and released into the market. This model resembles a vertically stretched model S. The dashboards for the two cars are almost identical but the model X comes with two major and significant differences. The falcon winged doors as well as the additional forward facing seats in the third row makes it a perfect electronic car model for today's family use. According to the manufacturers, the unique doors are meant to ease entry and exit especially due to the additional third row seats. In as much as this is what the manufacturer claims, reviews have disagreed with its convenience especially as a family car. It almost seems like an obvious inconvenince for the doors to be in the current design as they are likely to interfere with the loading of children. Either way, you cannot fail to appreciate the clever engineering that goes into the structuring of the winged doors especially because these doors can open up even in the most restricted of spaces. The X model and the S model connection is more than what meets the eye, this we all have to agree. The fact that they share a similar platform is not to be taken for granted. The only difference is that as the S model is rear drive only, the X model can be fitted with cross over- all wheel drive. One thing that you are likely to appreciate with Tesla model X is that it apportions power depending on the traction difference between two axles as this is significant seeing that it is an electrconic powered vehicle.