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Teenagers need wireless phones not mobile phones

Wireless phones may not be redundant after all. Well, particularly where teenagers are concerned, wireless home phones can be used...

W ireless phones may not be redundant after all. Well, particularly where teenagers are concerned, wireless home phones can be used as a perfectly appropriate substitute to the mobile phone; a device that has ushered in an era of the disengaged and utterly self-absorbed teenager.   Millions of parents everywhere appear to be completely incapable of prying their teenage children from their mobile phones. If they’re not taking selfies to post for all their world to see, they’re multi-texting furiously back and forth, juggling more than one conversation no doubt. Of course this has rendered them virtually absent to attend to ‘real’ life situations and just their surroundings in general. Frustrating as this may be for those around them to deal with; there is a solution to remedy all this techno induced malady. Simply substitute the mobile phone with the wireless phone when they are at home. The wireless phone still gives them the privacy of talking without the entire house being privy to their conversation. But after the conversation is done, they can engage with actual real life people in the house.   It may not be a full proof solution to getting teenagers to be more ‘present’ and engaged with their immediate environment, but it sure beats incessantly trying to get their attention every 5 seconds.