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Suv Vs Sedan. Which Is Better?

There are many reasons for one to spend a lot more time on research when intending to buy a car....

T here are many reasons for one to spend a lot more time on research when intending to buy a car. If your options are either an SUV and a Sedan, the following are the main features you should look into and also reasons why you should prefer an SUV. Space This is one of the most significant advantages of an SUV. These types of cars can carry more passengers compared to sedans. While a sedan will carry five people, an SUV will carry seven. Cargo space is another factor that should lead you the SUV way. When you need to transport more cargo, an SUV allows you to fold the third and even second row to allow for more space, a feature that is mostly unknown in sedans. Ground clearance An SUV's body is designed to handle the harsh terrain, and this means it is lifted higher off the ground for this task. Compared to a sedan, an SUV will worry less about the car's underside or blind spots as you can see further. Safety SUVs are known to be the preference when it comes to executive security. This is because they can absorb more crash impact due to their surface area compared to sedans. The ground clearance also gives you an added advantage of seeing further on the road and therefore the ability to avoid a head-on collision or sliding under bigger vehicles. An SUV will also offer an added safety advantage over a sedan when it comes to bad weather. They are heavy vehicles which means they can deal with slippery roads better and are also hardly going to get stuck on muddy roads or snow banks due to the ground clearance and robust wheels. Style SUVs come with rugged styling/designs and chiselled features that give them an edge over sedans.