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Spare car tires aren’t useful when you don’t know to how change one

Changing car tires is supposedly so uncomplicated, that car tire manufacturers don’t feel the need to include instructions with the...

C hanging car tires is supposedly so uncomplicated, that car tire manufacturers don’t feel the need to include instructions with the spare tires fitted into cars. Sure the jack usually comes encased in packaging that provides instructions on how to use it in the event a car tire needs to be changed. But that’s just instructions on using the jack, not necessarily how the mechanics of changing the actual tire work. The misguided presupposition that changing a car tire is a feat that doesn’t warrant car tire manufacturers supplying instructions to drivers is further worsened by the fact that car buyers and owners need to actively seek out avenues that offer car tire changing lessons. An exercise that many people consider a chore than a necessity. Yet, no one is impervious to the unexpected car tire rupture, and as Murphy’s Law would have it the rupture is bound to happen in some remote area with passengers who are equally clueless on car tire changing process. It is thus that many motorists are lugging around a spare car tire which is virtually useless to them unless they also pay extra for Roadside Assistance. Really, the onus should lie with car tire manufacturers to ensure that their product comes fully equipped with comprehensive instructions. It is entirely unhelpful to assume that motorists know or will figure out how to change car tires, when simple instructions could save many the aggravation of figuring it all out when that is their only option.