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Some sport cars are now family friendly

Gone are the days when sport cars were for the exclusive use of unreformed bachelors who had little intention of...

G one are the days when sport cars were for the exclusive use of unreformed bachelors who had little intention of settling down, or middle aged men going through some crisis and free from the responsibility of young children to think about. Now sport cars come in all types of packaging, and indeed many of the sport cars that are currently available on the market include luxury sedans that happen to be a performance car. The introduction of non-traditional sport car looking cars means that there is now not only ample room for the family to fit into the car, but the comfort levels that sport cars with non-sport car bodies have been fitted with make these cars accessible and enjoyable by all members of the family and not just the sport car enthusiasts. There are sedan looking sort cars such as the Lexus IS-F which has been packaged into the Lexus IS body, which happens to be their sedan range. Hatchbacks are now also fitted with powerful engines and features that allow them to perform in the sport car realm, such as the VW GTI range of sport cars. This has gone a long way in shaking the image of sports cars being suitable only for men, now too women and other members of the family can enjoy the comforts of a sedan or hatchback while having fun with the speed and performance the car has to offer.