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Should You Be Homeschooling Your Children?

In recent years more parents have decided to homeschool their children. Some people see it as old-fashioned, but the fact...

I n recent years more parents have decided to homeschool their children. Some people see it as old-fashioned, but the fact is a home-based education can benefit children in many ways. If you're thinking about homeschooling your child, then we have all the information you need.

What Are The Benefits Of Homeschooling?

You want your child to succeed and get the best education possible right? Busy classrooms, disruptive kids, and tired teachers mean a school environment isn't always the best place for children that need extra support. Having their parent take control of their educational needs often means they get more support and a curriculum tailored to their specific needs. In fact, test scores show that children educated at home often achieve higher scores. Teaching materials are essential for homeschooling and you'll have access to the best tools around. You can also choose which materials will be best for your child. If they're a visual learner then you can use tools for visual learners rather than the "one-size-fits-all" approach classrooms use.

Are There Any Disadvantages Of Homeschooling?

Homeschooling requires a lot of dedication from parents and you should consider the cons before making a decision. You'll have to be around your children all day and providing an education can be tiring (ask any teacher). Do you have the patience to homeschool? Schools provide children with social skills and a homeschooling environment can affect children when it comes to making friends. It's important you find social opportunities and activities for your child if you choose to educate them at home.

Online School Programmes

If you want your child to be schooled at home but require extra help then an online K-12 programme is the perfect solution. If you travel regularly then an online programme will provide the curriculum taught in a school environment with regular support for your child. There are many online programmes available including Virtual Academies. Blended schools offer an online education with an on-site location for children to attend classes. District-run programmes offer children a home-based education, but the opportunity to gain social inclusion through sports and activities. You can find more information by inquiring here.