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Satellite tv, the most used television

Depending on the kind of communication used by tv, three different television are recognized: terrestrial television (if the transmission method...

D epending on the kind of communication used by tv, three different television are recognized: terrestrial television (if the transmission method uses radiowave delivered by transmitters on the Earth surface), satellite television (if the transmission method uses radiovawe delivered by transmitters on satellites) or cable television (if the transmission method uses a telecommunication cable). Satellite television is probably the most common, as it is really convenient and offers many programs. In satellite tv the signals arrive to the television thanks to a parabolic antenna that is equipped to decode the satellite 'message' so that a precise television program can be watched. The decoder actually, is a receivers, that can be external to the television (the first models where of this kind) or built inside the tv, as for the most of the modern models. One of the greatest features of satellite tv is the wide range of channels that it provides, as it broadcasts channels from different geographic areas, so that different cultures and languages can be followed, too. Moreover, it is possible to follow different programs with subtitles in several languages. Moreover, many services are offered, connected to the possibility of record programs and serial and movies and so on, so that is always possible to watch them when we have time. And, thanks to the new digital signals, satellite tv may offer high definition television, that is high recommended especially for those that love to watch documentaries or movies rich in special effects. As already said, people that have satellite tv have the possibility to watch many channels, that broadcast movies, sport, art, music and so on, but not all are for free: for some of these channels a subscription is required. What is peculiar of satellite tv is the antenna, that is the parabola, that can be seen on so many balcony or terraces with its characteristic shape. But there are also other kinds of antenna for satellite tv, that are less common, such as the toroidal or the cassegrain ones.