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Pros and Cons to a Hybrid Car

We often hear about hybrid cars, or more generally of hybrid vehicles, but what are they? The definition given in...

W e often hear about hybrid cars, or more generally of hybrid vehicles, but what are they? The definition given in dictionaries is that it is a vehicle in possession of an engine which can work with two or more different power sources. HEVs, or hybrid electric vehicles, combine different engines that can use power sources such as coal or wood, compressed natural gas, wind, petrol or Diesel, solar, hydrogen, electricity, or they can even be human powered. However, the most popular type of hybrid car is the one that combines gasoline with electricity. Hybrid cars have in fact become increasingly popular due to the high cost of petrol, which keeps on rising. However, as with everything, hybrid cars have both advantages and disadvantages.

The Advantages of Hybrid Cars

Everyone keeps stressing the importance of using renewable energy, and of the advantages of HEVs, but what are these advantages?

Clean energy

The motor has a similar power as that of a standard engine while having a better gas mileage and a lower emission rate.


It depends on the state you live in, but many municipalities offer incentives to those who switch over to HEVs.


As hybrid cars are built with lighter materials, the engine has to work less to perform the same task.

Higher value when reselling

As hybrid cars are becoming always more popular, their price on the used market is also increasing, which is something that should be factored in when you decide to switch to HEVs.

The Disadvantages of Hybrid Cars

Lower power rate

HEVs have been designed to save carbon fossil fuel as well as money, and not with speed in mind. This might result annoying for people who like to drive fast cars.

Higher price

Hybrid cars are still more expensive than traditional ones and while this qualifies as an advantage if you are selling, it isn’t when you are buying one.

Higher maintenance costs

As the dual motor system is more complex, hybrid cars need more maintenance than traditional ones and by specialized mechanics. This might result in higher costs.