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Personal Loan: will I get one for my intended use?

For the average person, having constant money at hand can be quite a problem at times. You, however, do not...

F or the average person, having constant money at hand can be quite a problem at times. You, however, do not have to worry since there are institutions in place to help with that particular problem. You can acquire personal loans to help ride you out the financial storm. So with regard to a personal loan, you need to ask yourself will I get one for my intended use? Acquiring a loan is not something that any Tom and Dick can just acquire. The purpose of the loan will directly influence your application. This is just a cautionary step taken by the lender to avoid suffering unnecessary loss. Some of the uses personal loans are granted for include:

Household improvement

This can come in form of repairs and make extensions in order to maintain the improved structure of the home. You can also install an air conditioner, purchase a refrigerator or computer.


You can acquire an unsecured loan for a vacation and also finance the education curriculum of your kids or even yours.

Auto loan

You can acquire a car loan at low-interest rates and can even acquire up to 110% of the total value of the car. The vehicle purchased secures the loan thus less risk to the lender.


For immediate or recurrent medical bills incurred, you can apply for a personal loan to make the payments.


Weddings are quite a costly affair considering the fact it will just be for a day. Some lenders will give you a loan to finance your wedding. Before taking the loan, there are standard terms with regard to the repayment that need to be met first. Repayment is done through fixed installments over a fixed period of time. Unsecured loans are paid through the loanee’s personal income. Also, there is a guarantor in the event of default. You can improve your eligibility by matching your credit score to a compatible lender, keeping your debt-to-income ratio low, keeping your credit score high and having proof of income. So when it comes to a personal loan and the question will I get one for my intended use, following the above protocols will help qualify you. Our advertising partners offer repayment duration of 12 to 120 months. I.e. 8000 in 48 monthly payments to the 4.50% rate. amount tot. due: 8,756.64; APR max: 10:50%.