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Out-of-pocket-costs for cataract surgery unaffordable for many

Cataract surgery is an absolute must to correct the impairments caused by the eye disease, which if left untreated can...

C ataract surgery is an absolute must to correct the impairments caused by the eye disease, which if left untreated can go from foggy vision to complete blindness. Unlike refractive eye impairments, cataracts cannot be merely corrected by vision glasses, so an invasive surgery is required to repair the problem. However the cost of cataract surgery is pricey, and while many insurance companies do indeed provide coverage for their clients who wish to have the surgery there are still out-of-pocket costs that patients will need to cover themselves. This is where many who require the surgery may be deterred since the out-of-pocket costs required per eye is more than the average person can afford. And that’s not to mention the prospective patients who don’t even have medical insurance to cover the basic surgery; for they face even more seemingly insurmountable financial hurdles. It’s thus of paramount importance that those who suffer from cataract keep themselves well informed regarding not only the health implication of cataract surgery, but the financial matters as well. For when all you wish to be is healthy, the last thing you need is a nasty shock to your bank account in order to get well.