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Online Classes in Finance

If you have ever wanted to learn more about finance, now you can with our easy to use online courses....

I f you have ever wanted to learn more about finance, now you can with our easy to use online courses. Taking finance courses online is much easier than doing so through a college, especially if you are a busy professional. These courses will help you make better financial decisions. Khan Academy One of the best ways to learn finance for free, Khan Academy has a reputation of being easy to understand and informative. For those who may have trouble grasping some of the financial contexts of other courses, Khan Academy can help you get you to where you need to go. This course is at your own pace. Financial Markets ECON 252 at Yale University Yale offers a free finance class through the college. While it is not an accredited course, you can learn so much and learn alongside other people. The material here will be enough to help you make better financial decisions in the future. Money 101 at CNN Money CNN Money has put together a course with 23 videos on financial basics. This course is not affiliated with an educational institution but it will teach you everything you need to know. This class is taken at your own pace. Why take a finance class online? The number one reason is convenience. Finance is a tough topic to learn. Doing so in the comfort of your own home can make the experience an easier one. Without all of the distractions you would have in a normal classroom, you can learn at home. Sometimes at your own pace! By taking away the stress of learning something by a specific deadline, you can focus on the material and how it will benefit you. The other top reason to take a finance class online is that finance is something that everybody can always learn more of. By being able to improve your skills on your own time, you can get much further ahead and make great progress.