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No tricks for iphone 6 required to sell the product

Apple need not resort to cheap tricks for iphone 6 to garner the sales that they project for the product,...

A pple need not resort to cheap tricks for iphone 6 to garner the sales that they project for the product, in fact given the history of the highly adulated mobile phone, sales will most likely surpass expected forecast thanks to the ‘none will be as good as iphone’ brigade. The mere transgression of calling this fully- equipped, companion-in-a-pocket a mobile phone will have adoring fans flailing their arms in restless appeal to correct this misnomer. To say that Apple is an iconic brand is an understatement. That one needn’t even speak much about the brand, a simple display of the bitten apple conjures up all kinds of emotional resonance in the hearts and minds of consumers. Even as the ‘mother brand’, Apple owes much of the surge in its popularity to the iphone, which has become a formidable brand in its own right thanks to the legions of loyal followers who readily pay obscene amounts of money to own the latest iphone. So for all the marketing gimmicks that mobile phone companies employ in order to garner sales, Apple needn’t resort to tricks for iphone 6 to sell. So staunch are the iphone adherents that they enthusiastically convert non-believers into iphone fanatics; dare I say they consider it their duty to take on that task. And with this snowball effect of more and more iphone supporters, every new generation iphone is guaranteed buyers.