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New NEXUS 5, Understanding your Mobile

As expected Nexus 5 did not dissapoint. In fact, it is considered one of the best phones ever created. The...

A s expected Nexus 5 did not dissapoint. In fact, it is considered one of the best phones ever created. The current Nexus 5 is what most people consider the best value for money.

Great Features and specs

With greatly balanced features and android experience close to no other, it is not in vain that this phone has gained great popularity over the years. This vast acceptance could be the reason why Nexus 6 was expected to be an immediate hit much to manufacturers disappointment when it failed. However, even with great specs and hardware composition just as the Nexus 5 is, this phone was large and not many people love huge phones. Furthermore there is the aspect of expense where Nexus 5 is affordable due to its reasonable energy consumption. It is impossible to beat its price especially when compared to Nexus 6 whose power and price are on an all time high. Even though the camera of the Nexus 5 was not all that great, it is a shortcoming that most users are willing to overlook. It is not surprising therefore when every Nexus series lover awaits with much anticipation to see what its successor will be like. Generally, improvements on the weak characteristics is what most people expect. Google is expected to launch two Nexus handsets alongside the Marshmallow.The Nexus from LG is the anticipated New Nexus 5 in conjunction to Huawei's Nexus 6. As if this is not enough, other big companies intend to get back into the Nexus series. This is good news for consumers because this stiff competition will only mean one thing, better performing phones affordable prices. You no longer have to spend thousands of dollars to get a good phone. Even as release dates are confirmed to ascertain rumors, most people cannot hide their anticipation. It is about time that these phones are available in the market to enhance user experience. From all the excitement it is clear that much is to be expected and that customers will be disappointed if no change occur. In fact, it will be more stressful if the New Nexus 5 is nothing close to what its predecessor was.