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New luxury cars should have luxury interior as standard

Considering the amount of money one forks out for new luxury cars, every single one should have a full luxury...

C onsidering the amount of money one forks out for new luxury cars, every single one should have a full luxury interior as standard. That is to say every new luxury car should have at the very least, a full leather interior, superior sound system and a full navigation system with temperature control. Now most people who haven’t had the opportunity to set foot in a luxury car would assume that these features are a given in a new luxury car that costs a pretty penny, but alas, this is not the case. There a number of luxury car manufacturers who not only charge a premium for their new luxury car models, but also expect consumers to pay extra to have features such as full leather seats and full navigation system installed. With the exception of a few luxury car brands which have the aforementioned features as standard in all their luxury car models, some luxury car brands essentially charge consumers a premium for the pleasure of driving their name brand. While certain name brands have indeed earned the reputation, service history and quality consistency over the years to warrant charging a premium for their new luxury cars, they ought to make it clear to consumers that they are paying for the luxury car brand and not for a new luxury car. For a new luxury car without the aforementioned features included as standard is not a luxury car at all.