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New luxury cars should be fitted with run flat tires

New luxury cars a joy to own and even bigger pleasure to drive, but with the luxury inherent in these...

N ew luxury cars a joy to own and even bigger pleasure to drive, but with the luxury inherent in these cars also comes the dread of being targeted by vehicle thieves who more often than not work in some kind of syndicate. These vehicle thefts may target the luxury car while it’s stationary or while it is in motion, with the latter being the reason that new luxury cars need to be fitted with run flat tires. Car theft or hijacking while the car is still in motion puts the driver of the car in panic mode wherein the driver is impelled to drive at erratic speeds in an attempt to get away from the impending hijacking. However it is this erratic and reckless driving that puts the car at risk of puncturing a tire while in high speed motion, and run flat tires are necessary at this instance because in such a situation the driver of the car cannot stop because of a tire puncture as this could mean putting the car and themselves in danger. Run flat tires would allow the car to keep moving at least until the vehicle and the driver are both out of harm’s way. Run flat tires are unfathomably still available as standard features only in some new luxury cars while others have them as optional extras, and still other luxury cars don’t even have the option of installing these. A shame really, considering the amount of money one pays for the car only to have the financial burden of paying extra for a feature that could keep the driver safe.