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New luxury cars not suitable for those on a budget

For anyone who has ever dreamt of being behind the wheel of a new luxury car and one day owning...

F or anyone who has ever dreamt of being behind the wheel of a new luxury car and one day owning that dream car, here’s the bad news; luxury cars are expensive not only to own but to maintain as well. Sure, there is no driving experience that equals one behind the wheel of a new luxury car, and too there is no bigger social status booster that being seen inside one of these machines. However you will be financially liable for the astronomical cost of purchasing that car as well as the upkeep. Many consumers live on a budget, with every purchase they make or think about making being carefully accounted for in the financial books. Yet even with this budgeting, there are consumers who still fancy themselves owning a new luxury car, assuming that if they save long enough for it they can afford to finally get the new luxury car of their dreams. This is a dream that won’t be coming true soon as the typical cost of a new luxury car runs well beyond the means of the budgeting man for purchase and actually maintain the integrity of the newly purchased luxury car. That is not to say that one can’t dream, but those dreams that include new luxury cars ought to be anchored by a good dose of reality considering the financial implications involved in owning a new luxury car. One is better holding out for a huge financial windfall as a means of buying the luxury car of one’s dreams than saving up for this financial feat.