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Never miss an important call with a call answering service

A call answering service may seem redundant, especially to business’ that have a receptionist and a host of secretaries to...

A call answering service may seem redundant, especially to business’ that have a receptionist and a host of secretaries to do the job of answering phone calls. However, business hours do not extend beyond the hours designated by the law and as such after business hours the receptionist and secretaries must leave the office, leaving no one to take calls that come in after business hours. This is where a call answering service comes in handy, and in fact in some instances could prove to be quite vital for a business’ survival. This is because the practicalities of operating a business do not conform to any formal business hours. There may be calls of paramount importance coming into the office well after the business has closed for the day, and to miss those calls may mean missing out on solid business opportunities. A call answering service can ensure that those calls do not go unanswered and the calls cal even be sent to the direct line of the individual whose job it is to deal with the query. So a call answering service is rather important for some business, and indeed for all businesses that want their business to continue operating after business hours.