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NETFLIX, The Perfect Mobile TV

Netflix is an App that has been appreciated by users around the globe for obvious reasons. Apart from the occasional...

N etflix is an App that has been appreciated by users around the globe for obvious reasons. Apart from the occasional loading time that seems to take forever to load and denying access, this app still ranks as the best in its niche. With a few edits it will be unbeatable if it isn't already. Having been founded in 1997, its founders all of whom were experts in technology related companies had a desire and vision to fulfil and create a unique solution to the challenge faced by their target clients. These experts identify the need where Americans and viewers around the world needed to access TV whenever they wanted regardless of time constraints. One of the founders was pushed to invent Netflix after suffering from having to return an Apollo 13 with forty dollars fine after its deadline expired. The idea when the website was launched was to introduce monthly subscriptions for TV viewers in order to avoid the challenge of forgetting to pay on time. As the company grew and established its base in the highly competitive field, it became clear that somethings had to go. First on the list was the single rental model which was used previously. Profits for this company did not come immediately. On the contrary, they suffered a significant amount of loses before they gained any substantial profits. However, with patience and determination, the company established itself as a giant and excellent service provider hence the guaranteed sale of not less than a million DVDs every day. Netflix is an industry expert specializing in development and maintenance of extensive video systems. It also develops tools that can accurately predict up to 10% of its customer ratings. Due to its contributions, Netflix cannot be ignored when counting significant participants in the growth of independent film distribution. This happened through one of its divisions where Netflix licensed and distributed independent films starting with already produced movies but growing into original productions.