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NetBase: 20 Social Media Tools To Help Improve Business Marketing

Social Media has become one of the biggest tools for businesses to incorporate when trying to grow their brand and...

S ocial Media has become one of the biggest tools for businesses to incorporate when trying to grow their brand and expand their customer base. Thanks to the wide-scale connectivity that one experiences as a result of the internet, connecting with potential customers across the world has never been easier. With this access, the competition that brands face also tends to be a lot higher. Businesses that are looking to appeal to a certain section of the customer base often have to compete with brands not just from their geographical location, but from around the world. Social media analytics, in particular, is something that gives businesses valuable information that can help them improve the manner in which they connect with their customers and can provide them with a realistic view of their reach. Fortunately, there are plenty of free and paid tools such as NetBase, Broardreader, and SumAll available online that can help businesses understand their performance on social media. While things like Likealyser and Friends+Me are good free softwares, Netbase and Likeable Hub are the preferred paid ones. Here are 20 of the best tools that businesses can use to improve their social media presence.

In Built Tools

The core five social media sites have plenty of tools that can help their users understand how well their profiles are performing. These can be essential when trying to expand one's social media presence. The core five social media tools that businesses should most definitely use are:
  1.  Facebook Insights - Analyses Facebook Profile Activity
  2.  Twitter Analytics - Analyses Tweet Responses And Engagement Levels
  3.  Pinterest Analytics - Analyses Pinned Posts And Shares
  4.  Instagram Insights - Analyses Profile Activity And Follower Engagement
  5.  Youtube Analytics - Analyses Video Viewership And Subscription Rate

Free Third Party Tools

Sometimes, the tools that social media sites are not enough to give you the information that you would need. While the previous tools may be integrated into the site itself, these third-party tools can offer you a lot more in the way of analysis. Making use of these can help a business understand the intricacies behind their social media presence, offering them valuable information that can help them improve the strategies that they make use of when trying to reach customers. The following are some of the best free social media analytics tools that businesses should consider using.
  1.  Broadreader - Gives Access To Existing Reviews Of A Brand
  2.  Buffer - Enables Scheduling Of Posts
  3.  Followerwonk - Showcases Twitter Profiles Through Optimized Searches
  4.  Friends+Me - Enables Sharing Of Google+ Posts On Social Media Sites
  5.  Google Alerts - Offers Basic Google Inbox Alerts
  6.  Hootsuite - Enables Better Management Of Multiple Profiles
  7.  HowSociable - Showcases Brand Activity Across Social Media
  8.  Likealyzer - Analyses Competition And Profiles To Watch Out For
  9.  Social Oomph - Enables Scheduling, Retweeting, And Monitoring Of Profiles And Posts
  10.  SumAll - Connects Multiple Social Media Profiles To One Facebook Page
  11.  Twitonomy - Offers Analysis Of Twitter Trends And Posts
  12.  Tweet Reach - Showcases Activity Of A Business’s Twitter Profile
  13.  Zoho Social - Monitors Social Media Pages And Posts On Multiple Social Media Sites

Paid Third Party Tools

Paid third-party tools tend to offer the most in-depth analysis of a business's social media interactions, which is why they can be a brilliant thing to invest in. Even though there are plenty of tools that offer social media analytics, they don’t always provide the most in-depth explanations for the workings behind the profiles. For businesses that want to push the limits of what their profiles are capable of, going in for a paid software is usually a good option. The following are tools that most top-tier brands tend to choose to improve their presence online.
  1.  NetBase - Uses AI To Offer In-Depth Analysis Of Social Media Profiles And Posts
  2.  Likeable Hub - Offers In-depth Analysis Of Activity On Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin