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Luxury SUVs offer the best of both worlds

Luxury SUV’s offer the best of both worlds because they not only afford one the pleasure of driving in the...

L uxury SUV’s offer the best of both worlds because they not only afford one the pleasure of driving in the most comfortable and extravagant way possible on civilian roads, but they also have off-road capabilities; which means that in the rough and often difficult to navigate terrain outside civilian roads a luxury SUV will easily navigate the roads, or gravel, with ease and comfort.

Why go for luxury SUVs?

This may seem a redundant capability for city slickers that own SUV’s and have little to no intention of finding themselves driving outside the boundaries of well tarred civilian roads. However civilian roads are just as likely to present shockingly un-driveable conditions such as massive potholes that will spell the end of a car’s tire that has the misfortune of plunging into the hole, and even well worn out roads which ideally ought to be repaired by local government. A luxury SUV would be able to withstand the hurdles presented by the worst civilian roads as and the most gruelling off-road terrain. All this while enjoying the comfort the car has to offer. The price tag on luxury SUV’s begins to make sense when one considers that for the longest time SUV’s which were used for both off-road and regular driving purposes operated outside the realm of the luxurious, for their multi terrain capabilities was the main selling point. But since car manufacturers discovered that one can navigate treacherous terrain and do it in the most comfortable way possible, the luxury SUV seems the only sensible way to tackle the demands of all purpose driving.