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Luxury SUVs make the ideal family car

It’s hard to imagine luxury SUV’s providing the ideal features and setting for a family car – as we’ve come...

I t’s hard to imagine luxury SUV’s providing the ideal features and setting for a family car – as we’ve come to know the ideal family car taking the form of a sedan – but an SUV is actually far better suited to provide the comfort, and features necessary for a family car. Furthermore, an SUV is capable of transporting the entire family to locations which the vehicle can handle various terrains, making it even more suitable for family use. If one thinks about the primary features that are important in a family vehicle, one thinks primary of space, comfort, adequate sound system as well as safety features. Luxury SUV’s have all of these features as standard. They have space in abundance given the physical make up of the vehicle, which also happens to be linked to comfort as the seating arrangement gives enough room for passengers. The comfort feature is also heightened by the luxurious design of the interior of these cars, with sound systems that match the quality of the overall plush feel. Safety too is a feature that is heightened by the luxury element in these cars, with the price tag paying for top of the range safety features. It would be hard to find a family sedan that can compete with the features and comfort levels provided by luxury SUV’s, which may not be designed for family use, but by virtue of the luxury features, happen to be perfectly suited as a family car.