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Land Rover Discovery Sport out of reach for most motorists

The Land Rover Discovery Sport, which has replaced the Land Rover Freelander is a choice of car out of reach...

T he Land Rover Discovery Sport, which has replaced the Land Rover Freelander is a choice of car out of reach for most people. Owing the fact that the manufacturer notoriously prices the models outside of the ‘affordable ‘range, any Land Rover product was bound to be expensive and adding the fact that the model is a sports range doesn’t bode too well for the pockets. It’s the brand of choice for the British royal family, as in the Queen of England and her kinfolk are chauffeured around in Jaguar Land Rover models, and accordingly the price tag on any car that bears that brand will command a majestic price tag. The sport model itself is better suited to the speedsters amongst us and even they have to have some pretty deep pockets to get themselves inside this compact sport utility vehicle. But the hefty Land Rover Discovery Sport price tag shouldn’t be the determining factor when deciding whether yourself behind the wheel of this car or not. Rather, the more salient things like design, technology, fuel consumption, engine capacity and the like must steer you towards or away from buying it. And only then should you fret over whether you can afford it or not.