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It’s all about the looks with sport cars

Although speed demons would like observers to believe that their fascination with sport cars is primarily about the power and...

A lthough speed demons would like observers to believe that their fascination with sport cars is primarily about the power and performance that these vehicles give them, this is a little outside the region of the truth. Sports car fans are in actual fact far more fascinated by how the car looks, that is to say the car’s visual appeal. It is for the same reason there’s never been an ‘ugly’ looking sports car created. It goes without saying that the power and performance that is packed inside a sport car is enough to make even the most ardent non-sport car far a believer. This is because that element of the car is so closely tied to conventional male masculinity that men are almost obliged to find this aspect of the car appealing. Yet, given that many men opt for cars that are beautiful to look at as opposed to those that give the best performance, it seems that looks play a rather crucial role in selecting one’s car. And while the cost of owning high performance cars may be a determining factor, or rather a factor that restricts buying a car based primarily on performance, good looking non-sports cars still outperform average looking performance cars that are not sports cars. It seems looks matter. For men who have to choose the car they end up driving home, whether its a sport cars on offer or ordinary non-performance cars, looks are the primary motivating factor in deciding which car to buy.