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It is hard to point out the Symptoms of COPD in women

Exact pointing of the Symptoms Of COPD In Women has always been a challenge to doctors due to the complications...

E xact pointing of the Symptoms Of COPD In Women has always been a challenge to doctors due to the complications involved. It is hard to point out the signs of COPD as many of the symptoms are similar to those found in asthma and allergies thus, becoming hard to distinguish the disease. COPD was considered as a disease for men due to its primary cause of smoking. Recently, many cases are reported in women surpassing those in men.

Main symptoms of COPD

The main symptoms of COPD in women are evident after extended periods of time because it’s hard to recognize the symptoms at early stages. Smokers who have coughs or shortness of breath always assume that they are the consequences of smoking and no need of a medical checkup. Many COPD cases are treated at exacerbated levels or hospitalized. The most notable symptom of COPD in women is shortness of breath that comes with long terms of anxiety and depressions which are not well pronounced in men. It is unclear why women with COPD get more anxious than men. Having frequent flu or colds is one of the Symptoms Of COPD In Women although it can be confused with other diseases. But when carefully scrutinized COPD can be quickly determined.

What Is Affected By COPD?

COPD mainly affects the lungs and the extent of lung damage determines the symptoms of the named condition. When there is much lung damage, the symptoms of COPD in women are always highly evident, and some of these symptoms need treatment in hospital. Having a hard time on catching up with breath or communicating is a vital trait when it comes to diagnosing COPD in women. Women with COPD have lips or fingernails that turn gray or blue which is always caused by lack of enough oxygen in the blood. COPD affects the mental alertness in all genders but is much more in women. Mental alertness is a minor symptom in women and is evident in the advanced stages of the disease. The increase in heart beat rates in patients has also been used to diagnose COPD in women. High heart beat rates are signs of women in critical COPD conditions. Management is based on the Symptoms Of COPD In Women though the procedures differ slightly in gender. The most crucial steps that every woman is supposed to take are; not downplaying the symptoms, lung function test (spirometry), smoking cessation, and pulmonary rehabilitation. The drugs used are bronchodilators, corticosteroids, phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors among many others. [photo:]