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Is a home phone service still necessary in the mobile phone era?

Why exactly does one still need a home phone service, is probably the most legitimate question on the issue at...

W hy exactly does one still need a home phone service, is probably the most legitimate question on the issue at hand. The question is legitimate because mobile phone penetration is so high that even in the most impoverished regions in the world, citizens have access to a mobile phone than any other technological or media based device. Yet there are still people that have a home phone service. Now, arguably the primary reason that the service still exists is because the home phone service provides the line required for a home internet service. Why home internet service instead of a mobile internet service? Well, less a matter of either or than the cost factor involved, home internet services are significantly more affordable than mobile internet services. Then of course there’s the additional cost factor which is that making a call from a home phone to another typically costs less than mobile phone calls. So from a cost perspective it would seem that a home phone service is still very necessary because finances remain top of mind for many people following all the recessions survived the past decade. Since circumstances necessitate appropriate solutions and courses of action, precarious financial circumstances will consequently necessitate choices that ease financial burdens. Thus a home phone service is quite necessary when considering the cost benefits.